Bakeries in Germany were among the businesses hit hard by the economic fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine BEILITZ (Germany) (AFP) - Faced with an explosion of energy and ingredient costs, German baker Tobias Exner has installed new energy-efficient ovens,...
In 2020, women in Switzerland, on average, received approximately 35% lower pensions than men GENEVA (AFP) - Switzerland voted Sunday on a number of issues, including a ban on factory farming and a pension reform that would raise the retirement...
Brussels and financial markets are watching the Italian elections closely, amid fears they may be the latest to veer to the hard right Rome (AFP) - Italians voted Sunday on whether to establish the country's first far-right government since World...
Protesters set up a fake gas fracking platform in front of both houses of the British Parliament in 2012 London (AFP) - Britain on Thursday lifted England's controversial gas fracking moratorium to boost energy security, despite a breach of the...
The Italian brothers, led by Giorgia Meloni, were leading in the opinion polls two weeks before Election Day Rome (AFP) - Italy's right-wing parties are organizing a joint rally Thursday in a final push ahead of an expected election to...
Matteo Salvini, Silvio Berlusconi and Georgia Meloni appear poised to win Sunday's election in Italy as part of a right-wing coalition Rome (AFP) - Georgia Meloni led her right-wing allies in organizing a joint rally Thursday ahead of their expected...
Migrants and refugees flooding into Europe have presented European leaders and policymakers with their greatest challenge since the debt crisis. The International Organization for Migration calls Europe the most dangerous destination for irregular migration in the world, and the...
Worcester warning - Rugby manager Steve Diamond says the future of the cash-strapped Premier League club is in the balance. London (AFP) - Worcester's rugby union manager Steve Diamond said the cash-strapped rugby union club still faced an uncertain future...
Taipei (AFP) - A strong earthquake struck southeast Taiwan on Sunday, killing at least one person, destroying a few buildings and destroying roads - but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami was over. The US Geological Survey said...
By controlling German Rosneft's operations, Berlin can operate refineries using crude oil from countries other than Russia Berlin (AFP) - Berlin on Friday took control of the German operations of Russian oil company Rosneft to secure energy supplies that had...

Military coup in Burkina Faso as military officers overthrow the leader...

In Ouagadougou, protesters demanded the departure of junta leader Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaugo Damiba. Ouagadougou (AFP) - Military officers have seized control of Burkina Faso, claiming...

Military coup in Burkina Faso as military officers overthrow the leader...

In Ouagadougou, protesters demanded the departure of junta leader Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaugo Damiba. Ouagadougou (AFP) - Military officers have seized control of Burkina Faso, claiming...

Military coup in Burkina Faso as military officers overthrow the leader...

In Ouagadougou, protesters demanded the departure of junta leader Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaugo Damiba. Ouagadougou (AFP) - Military officers have seized control of Burkina Faso, claiming...

Street boats, cars at sea: Fort Myers beach hit by Ian

Hurricane Ian left parts of Fort Myers Beach, Florida completely devastated FORT MYERS BEACH (United States) (AFP) - As Pete Belinda and his wife walked...

North Korea fires ballistic missiles for the fourth time this week

South Korean and US officials have warned for months that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is preparing to conduct another nuclear test Seoul (AFP)...

After destroying Florida, Hurricane Ian began to recede

An aerial photograph taken on September 30, 2022 shows destroyed homes in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers Beach, Florida FORT MYERS (United...

UN raises death toll from Kabul classroom bombing to 35 as...

The death toll of the United Nations mission in the attack on the Kaj Higher Education Center is much higher than the death toll...