On the Ukrainian side, the chief of staff of the presidency estimated on Telegram that the Russian economy would be “destroyed” by this measure. Vladimir Putin in Novo-Ogaryovo, near Moscow …
Roman Dialo
Ukraine: what to remember from the day of Saturday, December 3
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoAt the center of this day, the capping of the price of its barrel of oil at 60 dollars. This measure must come into force on Monday, after the agreement …
Ukraine: the conflict with Russia shows that Europe is “not strong enough”, according to the Finnish Prime Minister
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoSanna Marin stressed on Friday that Russia’s invasion and occupation of neighboring Ukraine had exposed Europe’s weaknesses and strategic mistakes.Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin in Sydney (Australia) during a conference, …
The German State which gives 200 billion euros in the face of the crisis, is this a form of unfair competition? German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during the press conference with …
Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron assures that France will deliver “additional weapons” to kyiv
by Roman Dialoby Roman Dialo“We never weaken the capacity of our own armies to protect our soil and our nationals” and “we never deliver weapons” which “allow us to attack Russia on its soil”, …
AmericasHomeUnited States
Photo Hebdo: a seamstress asleep in a fishing net, a blind football fan and a Latin dance record… A week of news in pictures
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoPhoto hebdo returns, Friday, December 2, to a week of news in the world in a few shots. On the program, a dance record in Venezuela or a blind football …
United StatesWorld
World: eruption of a volcano in Hawaii, deconfinement in China, protest in Iran… News from the past 24 hours
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoThe 20 Hours of Friday, December 2 goes around the world news in pictures. In summary, the protest that does not weaken in Iran and the awakening of a volcano …
In the US state of Louisiana, bayou swamps are plagued by rising waters. Villages have already been destroyed and 350,000 people will become climate refugees in 50 years. South of …
Immigration: from Lagos to the Canary Islands, how could three migrants spend 11 days at the helm of an oil tanker?
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoThree migrants from Lagos (Nigeria) were rescued on Monday November 28 in the port of Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands. They spent eleven days hiding on the rudder of …
Eurozapping: letter bombs in Spain, lack of human resources in German and British hospitals
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoLike every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday, December 1st. Spain is the target of an …