The Danish Prime Minister is playing her political future in legislative elections with an uncertain outcome. If the left is opposed to a bloc bringing together the right and the …
Roman Dialo
Tour de France 2023: the riders will have to climb 30 passes, a record!
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoUnveiled on Thursday October 27, the route of the Tour de France 2023 is particularly demanding. The runners will cross the five mountain ranges of France. For its 110th edition, …
Eurozapping: Emmanuel Macron meets the Pope, legal scandal in Norway, Spanish museums are worried about their paintings
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoLike every day, the todaynewspost evening news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Monday, October 24. Emmanuel Macron met the pope in …
Photo Hebdo: a heart-shaped lake, rice fields and a work of art… The news of the week in pictures
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoFriday, October 21, the “Weekly Photo” section of the 20 Hours newscast goes to the rice fields of Bangladesh, but also to the heart of the Canadian forest and to …
Spain: how Madrid became the “Latin Broadway” thanks to its offer of musicals
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoIn two decades, the capital has become the 4th “power” for the production of this theatrical genre, behind New York, London and Hamburg. Tourists from Latin America, in particular, appreciate …
“We will have the chance to die quickly”: in Ukraine, these soldiers in fear of a Russian nuclear attack
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoRussia allows the use of nuclear weapons to repel the Ukrainian counter-offensive led in the region of Kherson, in the south-east of the country. Bluff or real threat? The soldiers …
Ukraine: “Russia is forced to review all the logistics of its foreign trade and for this Turkey has an important role”, explains a specialist
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoDavid Teurtrie, lecturer in political science at the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies, also explains that Western sanctions are having a lesser than expected impact on the Russian economy. Russian …
Eurozapping: the huge profits of the oil giant Shell outrage the British
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoLike every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday, October 27. In the United Kingdom, the staggering …
Traditionally an exporter of electricity, France finds itself importing it because of the historical weakness of its nuclear production. Every day, the equivalent of several reactors crosses the border. The …
Corrida: while a new bill aims to ban it in France, where is this tradition in Colombia, Spain and Mexico?
by Roman Dialoby Roman DialoA new bill to ban bullfighting was tabled on Tuesday in France. In other countries where bullfighting is a tradition, such as Spain, Colombia and Mexico, similar laws have already …