“A Mother’s Unbreakable Love: Bob’s Letter” Roman DialoAugust 21, 202309 views A Mother Digs Up Her Soldier Son’s Grave – When She Opens the Coffin, She Laughs and Says, “I Knew It” Military Dreams Bob always knew he was destined to join the army. From a young age, he dreamed of serving his country and becoming a role model for children. Bob’s mother, Doris, wasn’t enthusiastic about her son going off to fight in foreign conflicts. She worried about his safety and the dangers he would face, and she couldn’t shake this anxious feeling every time she thought about it. But she knew nothing could stop him. Bob was an adult, and she had to respect his decision. In fact, he was eager to start his military career. On his 18th birthday, he was up at dawn, ready to enroll in a military college. Doris watched with sadness and pride as Bob left for his new school, knowing he was embarking on a new chapter in his life. She only hoped he would come back safe and sound and achieve all his dreams. A Talented Student It didn’t take long for Bob to make an impression at the military school. He arrived already in excellent physical shape, which helped him excel in all his classes and during training sessions. As weeks and months passed, Bob continued to thrive. He consistently ranked at the top of his class and worked tirelessly to achieve his goals. Then, he became one of a handful of people in the history of the military school to graduate early. Despite her initial reservations, Doris was proud of her son’s military career. She knew he had worked hard to get where he was, and she was glad that his advancements reduced his chances of being sent to the front lines. Everything seemed to be going well, and Bob’s efforts paid off when he was promoted to corporal. However, as soon as he received his promotion, he was also deployed to the front lines. Doris couldn’t help but worry about her son’s safety and hoped he would come back home soon. The Farewell Letter As he prepared to join the front, Bob had to complete several formalities, including writing a farewell letter. This was standard protocol for soldiers deployed on dangerous missions. The letter was meant to help the family grieve in case something tragic happened. Bob kept his letter a secret, refusing even his closest friends in the military to read it. It was clear to everyone that Bob had seriously considered this letter. Some speculated that it contained heartbreaking goodbyes and wise words, while others thought it was a more realistic document describing his last wishes and instructions. Bob was a soldier, and his job required him to follow orders without question. He had been given a mission with vague details, even for his family. The following days were difficult for Bob and his mother as they grappled with the uncertainty of the situation and the emotional burden that came with it. A Horrific Scene In the following days after their departure, Bob and his battalion witnessed unimaginable horrors that were hard for them to digest. Bob didn’t really know where they had been deployed, but he knew it was nothing like what he had seen in movies and documentaries. The horrors they witnessed had a deep and lasting impact on them, and they knew they would never be the same after witnessing such atrocities. The next day, Bob and his team were heading back to their camp in their vehicle, looking forward to some well-deserved rest after completing their mission. As they drove, they heard a loud crash and felt the car come to a sudden stop. Dust and debris flew around them, obscuring their vision and making it difficult to see what was happening. It was only when they heard the sound of gunfire and cries that they realized they had fallen into an ambush. The soldiers were caught off guard, having no time to prepare for the offensive as the enemy closed in from all sides. Everything Goes Dark Bob was suddenly overwhelmed by a sharp pain in his back, and then everything went black. He had a vague awareness of the cries of his colleagues around him, and he knew they needed help, but the pain was so intense that he couldn’t move. As the darkness closed in on him, Bob realized that he might be experiencing his last moments of life… He thought of his mother and all the things he wanted to say to her. Two days later, the doorbell rang at Bob’s house. When Doris, his mother, opened the door, she saw two soldiers standing at the entrance. Their faces were somber, and she immediately understood what their visit meant. Her heart sank as she realized that her son Bob was no longer with them. A Military Burial Three days after Bob’s death, the army organized a funeral in honor of the soldiers. It had been planned for the day after the tragedy, but it had been postponed for some reason. Doris found it strange and tried to contact the army to ask for an explanation. However, she couldn’t reach anyone and was forced to wait for the army to call her back. As the days passed, Doris’s suspicions grew. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about the postponement of the funeral and the lack of communication. Eventually, Doris decided that she needed to read her son’s farewell letter. That night, she went into her room and closed the door behind her. She took the letter out of her bedside drawer and looked at it for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea to read it. She took a deep breath and opened it, hoping that it would bring her some peace of mind and help her come to terms with her son’s death. Very Unexpected?! Doris was shocked and saddened by the last words written by her son. She had expected a heartfelt message or perhaps some wise words… but instead, the letter contained something she found hard to believe. She knew that its contents were only meant for her eyes, and she intended to continue down that path. After reading her son’s letter, Doris was devastated and had lost all the trust she had in the army. Despite her grief and astonishment, she still attended Bob’s funeral with her head held high, determined to show her utmost respect for the life her son had lived and the sacrifices he had made. However, she couldn’t shake off the feelings of disgust and mistrust that plagued her after the revelations in the letter. Saying Goodbye to Doris As Doris looked into the eyes of the two soldiers who had brought her Bob’s letter, she couldn’t help but notice that they seemed unusually nervous. She wondered if they had read the letter and felt guilty or ashamed of its contents. She also considered the possibility that the envelope had been tampered with and the letter had been read before reaching her. After the funeral, as guests started to disperse, Doris noticed that the two soldiers who had been “guarding the edges” during the service made no effort to approach her or offer their condolences. Instead, they seemed to avoid her, staying on the periphery of the crowd. At the end of the ceremony, almost all the present guests said goodbye to Doris, except for the two soldiers. She wondered why and if it had something to do with them possibly hiding something. Doris’ Two Brothers Despite the outpouring of encouragement from friends and loved ones during her son’s funeral, Doris returned home distraught and emotionally exhausted. She knew she had to do something to honor her son’s memory and seek justice for the disturbing revelations in the letter. But she also knew she couldn’t do it alone. Despite not being the most attentive or encouraging sister, Doris knew more than ever that she needed the help of her brothers. She contacted them and asked to meet them the following afternoon. However, she gave no details over the phone, afraid that the army might be eavesdropping on her conversations. Skeptical Brothers The next day, Doris met her two brothers at the eldest brother’s house, and she began to talk to them about Bob’s letter. As she explained, her brothers were shocked and saddened by the revelations contained in the letter. Then, they asked if they could read it themselves. Doris gave her brothers an hour to read, analyze, and digest the letter. They read it at least five times, trying to understand the reasons behind Bob’s final words. They needed to uncover the truth behind the allegations presented. Despite their efforts, the brothers remained skeptical. They knew there was only one way to find out if the letter was genuine: they would have to investigate thoroughly and gather more evidence to support their claims. Doris’ Proposal Finally, Doris suggested the idea that had been looming in their minds: they would have to exhume Bob’s coffin to uncover the truth. At first, her brothers were horrified by the proposal, considering it a grotesque and disrespectful act. However, they knew it was the only way to confirm the authenticity of the letter and gather more evidence in their quest for justice. They would have to be very careful and discreet to avoid drawing attention or causing a scandal. Digging up a grave is illegal, even if done by a relative of the deceased, as it is considered a breach of peace and a lack of respect for the memory of the deceased. They decided to dig at nightfall, when there was less chance of being seen or caught. They planned to make it a one-night affair. A Flood of Emotions During the rest of the day, Doris and her brothers prepared for their risky mission. They gathered all the tools and equipment they would need: shovels, picks, and lanterns. Then, they created a schedule to ensure they could work as efficiently and discreetly as possible. As the day approached, Doris’s heart pounded with fear and anxiety. However, her brothers reassured her, doing their best to calm her, knowing they had to remain focused and determined in order to succeed. Digging deeper and deeper into the grave, Doris’s doubts began to fade, and she felt more confident in their goal. She looked at her brothers with satisfaction, feeling grateful for their support and determination. “It’s over,” she thought. “The truth will finally be revealed, no matter what it may entail.” Uncovering Bob’s Wooden Casket After four exhausting hours of digging, Doris and her brothers finally heard the sound of their shovels hitting something solid. They had reached Bob’s coffin, and she could even see the lacquered wood reflecting the light of the full moon. She felt a rush of emotions as she realized they were about to uncover the truth about her son’s final moments. Carefully working to open the coffin, the eldest brother cleared away all the dirt from the lid while Doris and her other brother removed the last bits of sand around the edges. They leveraged the lid with a crowbar, followed by a loud noise as it loosened. Doris took a deep breath and prepared herself for what awaited inside. I Knew It Fortunately, Doris and her brothers were able to open the coffin without being seen since there was no one around to hear the noise they were making. Despite her initial determination, she wondered if it was the right thing to do and if she should continue. However, her brothers were already convinced they were on the right track. When the coffin lid was finally lifted, Doris couldn’t believe her eyes. “I knew it,” she said, her voice surprisingly calm despite the flood of emotions she felt. However, as she uttered those words, a tear rolled down her cheek, betraying the magnitude of her sadness and pain. The two brothers stood there, frozen, staring inside the coffin in disbelief. How was this possible? They closed the lid again, knowing they would have to bury their nephew for a second time to protect his memory and preserve the dignity of his final resting place. Writing Her Findings As the night began to fade and the sun rose on the horizon, Doris and her brothers knew it was time to leave the cemetery as quickly as possible, without leaving a trace behind. Once their task was completed, the group ran to the car parked in a nearby cul-de-sac. During their dash, they saw a black and suspicious car heading towards the cemetery. They hurried into the car and left the area at full speed. The brothers dropped Doris off at her home and bid her farewell before driving away. After closing the front door, she rushed to her office, determined to put her findings on paper and share them with the rest of the world. She knew she was taking a big risk by exposing the truth, and she was afraid that something might happen to her as a result. Nevertheless, she sat at her desk and began typing, hoping that her words could make a difference and help bring justice for her son and all those who had suffered at the hands of corruption and injustice. Two Soldiers Show Up at Her Door After writing everything she wanted to about her discovery and her son’s letter, Doris decided to print a copy of the letter and email it to the biggest newspaper in town. She hoped they would accept the story and publish it in the next edition. It was her way of showing the army that she wouldn’t let them get away with what they had done to her son, and that she wanted to see justice served. Two days after Doris sent her story to the newspaper, it was printed and circulated throughout the whole town. She felt both satisfied and scared. Before she could fully grasp it, soldiers showed up at her door on the same day, apparently wanting to thank her for her bravery. Doris accepted their request, but not before ensuring she had a trick up her sleeve. She knew she had to be cautious and stay one step ahead to protect herself and her family. Bob’s Letter Doris had never seen the two soldiers knocking on her door before. They took her to a military interrogation room where they began questioning her. She had sent the letter anonymously so that no one could claim it was her who alerted the newspaper about these unsettling revelations. She tried to stay calm as the officers grilled her. As a result, Doris denied having any knowledge of the letter and the information it contained, claiming she didn’t understand where they were going with their questions. However, after 15 minutes of interrogation, Doris decided it was time to make a move. She hoped that by showing the letter to the officers, she could prove to them that she was telling the truth. She reached into her inner pocket, retrieved the letter left by Bob, and placed it on the table in front of the soldiers. “Read it,” Doris said, hoping that the content would convince them of her honesty and the seriousness of the situation. Stunned Officers The officers read the letter multiple times and remained speechless. “Ma’am, we…” one of them began, but Doris interrupted, determined to have the last word. “I will do everything in my power to bring my son back to the United States,” she said firmly, hoping that the officers would understand the gravity of the situation and the importance of her request. After the interrogation, Doris was sent home without any further information or even a clarification of what would happen next. She nervously waited for the police to show up and arrest her for exhuming her son’s coffin. She waited for the military to show up with her son’s actual body. She waited for a sign or an indication that her son was still alive. Doris knew that the road she had chosen to follow would be long and difficult. Holding Her Son in Her Arms As days turned into weeks, Doris began to lose hope. However, one day, she received a letter from the military. They informed her that her son had been located, but they didn’t know if he was still alive. Doris knew she had to stay strong and keep the faith, regardless of the outcome. In the following days, she found herself constantly at her windows, waiting and hoping for a sign. The anticipation was too heavy to bear when a black car parked in front of her house. To her surprise, she saw her son Bob stepping out of the car and making his way toward the front door. Her heart raced with excitement and joy as she called out his name and rushed to the door to welcome him. Doris threw herself into his arms, holding him tightly and crying with joy and relief. She realized he was smiling too, despite the tears streaming down his face. He Tells Her Everything After the embraces and tears, Doris and Bob sat on the couch, and Bob began telling her what had happened to him. He recounted all the details of his experience, from the moment he was sent to the frontline to the day he was captured and the moment he returned home. Doris listened, a mixture of horror and astonishment on her face, as her son described the torture and violence he endured at the hands of his captors. He had been beaten and burned, but he never lost hope and always believed that his mother would search for him, whether alive or dead. Doris couldn’t believe the strength and determination her son had shown in the face of such adversity. She was filled with pride and love for Bob.